Volunteers make our mission possible.
Illinois Green’s committees and boards provide strategic support, educate professionals, and provide a place to build up the green building community. If you’re looking to share your expertise, make new ties, and advance our mission, join an Illinois Green committee!
Looking for ways to support communities and schools in a 1:1 relationship? Check out building mentorship opportunities.
Get notified about upcoming volunteer opportunities.
We'll send you an email when recruitment opens for our volunteer programs.
Auxiliary Board
The Auxiliary Board is a diverse group of young professionals dedicated to supporting Illinois Green Alliance’s mission to promote green buildings and sustainable communities for all.
Through education & networking events and strategic collaboration, the Auxiliary Board builds crucial ties to advance our mission.
Auxiliary Board Subcommittees
Auxiliary Board members serve on a committee to design and implement events and campaigns.
Professional Development
- Assist Illinois Green Alliance in advancing their mission
- Provide opportunities for engagement with Illinois Green Alliance members, partner organizations, and the community
- Train tomorrow's leaders
- Build community and create bonds
- Attract new Auxiliary Board members and broaden the organization's reach and involvement
- Create professional development opportunities
- Encourage Auxiliary Board attendance at Illinois Green Alliance public programs and other events
Auxiliary Board applications for the 2024 calendar year closed on November 5, 2023. Applications to join next year's Board will open in October 2024.
The Auxiliary Board is intended for Illinois Green members at the Emerging Professional level. No prior engagement with Illinois Green Alliance is necessary to apply, just a passion for advancing the green building industry.
Contact Maggie Olson with questions about joining the Auxiliary Board.
Applications for the Auxiliary Board open each year in early-to-mid October. Auxiliary Board members serve one-year terms and are led by the Auxiliary Board Co-Chairs, who serve two-year terms.
Meetings are held monthly, with subcommittee meetings occurring more frequently depending on schedules.
Programs Committee
The Programs Committee is a group of volunteers who lead the selection, development, and implementation of Illinois Green Alliance’s education programs.
Serving on the Programs Committee provides an opportunity to engage with leading thinkers on sustainable design and drive the conversation in Illinois’ green building community. Programs Committee members work with Illinois Green Alliance staff to determine event topics and speakers that support our mission and initiatives.
The Programs Committee carries out 12-14 education programs each year. These programs advance Illinois Green's mission by sharing critical green building knowledge with our community.
See more about how education is integral to Illinois Green's Strategic Plan.
Applications for the 2025 Committee will open from September 18th to October 16th. Follow this link to apply!
Programs Committee members serve 1-year terms and have the opportunity to reapply each year.
- 1 hour monthly meeting
- Plan 2-3 Programs throughout the year
- Attend planning calls for each program
- Speaker coordination and outreach
- Program Development
- Input on the Call for Proposals document
- Review and selection of proposals submitted to the Call for Proposals
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
The EDI Committee is made up of board members, volunteers, and staff that oversee & provide guidance on organizational EDI efforts, including the development of programming and educational offerings, initiatives, and partnerships.
- Organizational assessment and EDI metrics
- Training & education for board, staff & volunteers
- Building strategic partnerships through education programs and mentorship
Applications for the ED&I Committee open in January 2023.
ED&I Committee members serve 1-year terms and have the opportunity to reapply each year.
- 30 minute meeting twice a month
- Preparation work between meetings
- Support 2-3 events per year
Questions about volunteering?
Contact us about finding the right match for your volunteer interests.