Getting to Zero Illinois Summit

October 17, 2024 @ 333 N. Green in Chicago

Save the date for Illinois Green's half-day summit to learn about the current drivers and best practices for net zero buildings in Illinois.  Participants will hear from current design teams working net zero projects from initial concept and financing to final construction and continued operations. Building professionals and stakeholders discuss success stories as well as lessons learned to help our community push forward to make Illinois net zero by 2050. 

After the Summit, stick around for our Limelight Gala - the largest green building and sustainability professionals gathering of the year! 

Registration will open in August 2024!

2023 Summit Panel

Who should attend?

The Summit welcomes policymakers, designers, building owners, systems manufacturers, and commercial real estate professionals to share best practices and collaborate on opportunities to scale zero energy and zero carbon projects in the region. 

Sponsor the Summit!

Earn recognition at this signature event and help get Illinois closer to net zero by 2050. Learn more about the event sponsorship levels and benefits. Click the button below to start your event sponsorship!

We're making Illinois a leader in net zero buildings.

Learn more about progress, projects, and certifications on our Getting to Zero webpage.

Earn recognition at this time of connection.

Get your company in front of hundreds of sustainability professionals.
Start the conversation about sponsorship today.

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