Green Building Education

Educating green building professionals has been at the core of our mission since our founding in 2002.

We host over 70 events each year to provide information on the latest trends, opportunities to network, and technical support to advance your career.

The professionals that design, build, and operate buildings are important advocates for net zero, and need a reliable source for the latest trends and technologies. We must deliver effective educational programs, convening diverse professional stakeholders and connect that expertise with other audiences like elected officials.

By increasing our educational programs and developing new trainings and resources, like an online solutions center focused on net zero trends and technologies, Illinois will be a recognized leader in net zero building expertise.

On-Demand Webinar Library

Members can access our past programs for free, from net zero case studies to roundtables with green building advocates.

Additional Green Building Education

Find more programs, trainings, and events to build your expertise.

Become a Member

Become a member today to access our on-demand webinar library, meet other professionals, and advance our mission.

Join us at our next education event:

Making the Pitch: Selling High Performance Design

Jul 31, 2024 1:30PM—4:30PM

Cannon Design 225 N Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60601

Popular Events from 2021

Incentivizing High Performance Affordable Housing: A Cost Study

Illinois Green Alliance and the Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition hosted a panel discussion demystifying high energy performance buildings (such as Passive House) and incremental costs in the affordable housing sector.

Developing and/or rehabilitating buildings with deep energy efficiency is a cost-effective way to maintain and provide healthier, more comfortable and affordable homes for residents. Session panelists shared evidence, including examples from other states, showing how housing finance authorities can incentivize much greater energy conservation achievement without adding to construction and operating costs in affordable housing projects.

Heat Pump Palooza: A Deep Dive into Technologies & Applications

With several types of heat pumps currently on the market, it is important to know how they compare.

This webinar covered four separate types of heat pumps including: air-to-air, air-to-water, geothermal and natural gas.  Experts discussed how they operate, what types of applications they are suited for and the efficiency we can expect from these units. Heat pumps provide an option for people looking to install energy efficient cooling and heating equipment (and, as the subject of a possible future webinar, water heating), and this webinar is an entry point into learning about them.

Electric Home New Construction 101: Envelope, Mechanicals, Solar, Incentive

Discover how other Illinois builders are delivering high-performance, all-electric homes, and stay on top of recent improvements in cold climate heat pump technology. Hear from local experts who are helping Illinois builders be successful. Learn about advances in air-source heat pumps, tight wall assemblies, solar panels, electric vehicles, and smart home technologies present new possibilities for residential construction.


Volunteer on the Programs Committee!

Volunteer-led programming makes up nearly half of our events each year. Education events are led by the programs committee. Share your expertise with our community, make new connections, and give back to advance green buildings. Applications open yearly in the fall.