Illinois Green Alliance ED&I
Mentorship Program
Illinois Green Alliance's Mentorship Program is an equity, diversity, and inclusion-focused program that seeks to diversify sustainability fields by matching professionals with college students from underrepresented groups pursuing a career in green buildings.
Created as a program of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee in conjunction with Illinois Green Alliance volunteers, the program matches students with sustainability professionals to meet both one-on-one and as a cohort.
Key Responsibilities for Mentors and Mentees
- Attend networking event to be matched with a mentor/mentee
- Attend two training sessions led by Cream City Conservation
- Complete mentor/mentee agreement
- Meet one-on-one at regular intervals for program duration of six months (option to continue on if desired)
- Attend monthly group meetings with mentor/mentee cohort
Applications for the 2023-2024 program will close on October 9, 2023.
Interested in mentoring a student interested in sustainability?
Become a mentor today!
Are you a student seeking guidance from a sustainability professional?
Become a mentee today!