Reducing building emissions is crucial for meeting state and local climate goals.
To overcome barriers to net zero adoption, we will engage our network of building professionals to develop new policies, like net zero building codes and building performance standards, and educate policymakers about meaningful solutions that will help overcome roadblocks and incentivize net zero buildings.
In early 2024, Mayor Brandon Johnson and 15 co-sponsors introduced an ordinance that would limit carbon dioxide emissions in new-construction to reduce climate impacts and protect residents from the negative health impacts associated with natural gas. The ordinance would prohibit fuels that emit more than 25 kg/btu of Co2, promoting cleaner energy sources.
To build of the success of the 2021 Climate and Equitable Jobs Act, The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition (ICJC) launched three new bills to continue the state's progress in climate, equity and energy. The new platform outlines solutions for the electric grid, transportation, and buildings.
Illinois is in the final stage of approving Commercial and Residential Stretch Codes - optional, high-efficiency codes available for municipalities to adopt in place of their base code. The draft 2023 residential stretch code targets an Energy Use Intensity reduction of 22.7% compared to the 2021 base code and likewise the commercial targets a 4.4% reduction. Research on the residential stretch codes projects $250 in annual utility savings and a lifetime cost savings of $8,829 for the average homeowner.
Developing an Equitable Building Decarbonization Strategy for Chicago - City of Chicago
Illinois Building Electrification Factsheet - Rocky Mountain Institute
10 facts about all-electric new buildings in Chicago - Rewiring America
Cost study of the Building Decarbonization Code - New Buildings Institute
The Future of Gas in Illinois - Building Decarbonization Coalition
Clean Jobs America - E2
Quantifying the Impacts of Building Electrification in Illinois - Advance Energy United
Clean Economy Works - E2
Building Performance Standards - National BPS Coalition
What is a Building Performance Standard - IMT
Stretch Code Policy Brief - Illinois Green Alliance
Cost-Effectiveness of the 2021 IECC for Residential Buildings in Illinois - PNNL
Illinois Priority Climate Action Plan - Illinois Enviornmental Protection Agency
2022 Climate Action Plan - City of Chicago
Greenest Region Compact - Metropolitan Mayors Caucus
Listing of a resource on this page does not imply endorsement by Illinois Green Alliance. This page was curated by our staff and Board Members. If there's a resource we should add, let us know.
Illinois Green can connect you with opportunities to advance green building policy.
Illinois Green Alliance is a membership-driven nonprofit that works to promote green buildings and sustainable communities. We believe that green infrastructure is key to strengthening neighborhoods and improving the quality of life for everyone.
Address: 180 N. LaSalle St, #2210, Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312.245.8300
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