Educating 4,000 building industry professionals a year to ensure there are at least 100 AEC firms who have the expertise to use net zero building methods in their work and can help us raise awareness about their value with building owners and policymakers in net zero building expertise.
Removing barriers by identifying the technical, financial and social roadblocks to net zero adoption and enabling the passage of at least two major new laws that help to overcome these barriers to allow the exponential scaling of what we know works and net zero building codes.
Demonstrating net zero methods can work everywhere by collaborating with practitioners and organizations in historically underinvested communities on programs that help advance high efficiency and decarbonization strategies. We will leverage these programs as ways to showcase the feasibility and affordability for action in 100 buildings around Illinois in schools, community centers, affordable housing, & places of worship.
Illinois Green Alliance is a membership-driven nonprofit that works to promote green buildings and sustainable communities. We believe that green infrastructure is key to strengthening neighborhoods and improving the quality of life for everyone.
Address: 180 N. LaSalle St, #2210, Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312.245.8300
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