National Resources

Illinois Green Schools Project

Compiled National Resources

We've compiled useful resources to help schools plan for climate action, take advantage of local and national opportunities, and utilize sustainability project ideas and guides.

Admin Resources

Public schools in Comed service areas can receive a free, non-interruptive assessment including an inspection of their building envelope and mechanical insulation and a report including estimated costs needed for electrification, the building’s solar energy potential, and opportunities to save energy and reduce costs.

Public schools in Ameren service areas can receive a free, comprehensive assessment and report that will assist schools in their district to identify measures which will move school districts toward carbon-free energy use by 2030.

EPA’s free online ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® tool is the industry standard for measuring and tracking energy performance within commercial buildings. Nearly 25% of U.S. commercial building space is already actively benchmarking in Portfolio Manager, making it the industry-leading benchmarking tool.

Building Operator Certification® (BOC) is a nationally recognized training and certification program focusing on energy efficient building operations and preventative maintenance procedures. Facilities with BOC graduates are proven to save energy, have lower energy bills, and offer improved comfort for occupants. customers of Ameren Illinois, ComEd, Nicor Gas, North Shore Gas and Peoples Gas may be eligible for FULL tuition reimbursement upon successful completion of training.

The Decarbonization Roadmap Guide is written for those interested in healthy, efficient, carbon neutral school design, construction and operation. It outlines achievable goals that result in healthy, affordable, all-electric facilities, and explains common actions taken by leading districts to operationalize their carbon neutral ambitions. The guide links to resources and templates that can be customized locally.

The Green Strides School Sustainability Resource Hub offers access to free resources and webinars aligned with the three Pillars of the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) recognition award.

Seven Generations Ahead shares waste material processing guides designed to help Chicago Public Schools comply with district and city guidelines for processing compost, recycling, and landfill waste.

USGBC's Center for Green Schools has been the driving force behind the green schools movement by leading a wide array of initiatives, including in communications, advocacy, network-building, training, and the development of tools and platforms through which to accelerate action.

Funding Resources

With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA Clean School Bus Program provides $5 billion over five years (FY 2022-2026) to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and clean school buses. Learn more about funding and the benefits of zero-emission and clean school buses.

Earn up to $2000 for the development of wildlife habitat at your school! Projects must emphasize student/youth involvement with planning, development and maintenance and increase the educational and wildlife habitat values of the site.

Application Deadline: December 4, 2024

To date, the School Construction Grant Program has benefited 497 school districts in every region of the state and provided over $3.1 billion in state funds for building and renovating local public schools.​

These place-based investments will be focused on community-driven initiatives to be responsive to community and stakeholder input. They are designed to deliver on the transformative potential of the IRA for communities most adversely and disproportionately impacted by climate change, legacy pollution, and historical disinvestments.

Student Engagement Resources & Lesson Plans

Grades of Green’s LAUNCH Eco-Lessons program provides fun and interactive step-by-step eco-lessons for K-12th students. By using LAUNCH Eco-Lessons, students will grow their environmental knowledge to take action on alleviating the Climate Crisis.

Schools across the country produce approximately 39.2 pounds of food waste and 19.4 cartons of milk waste on average per student each year. Utilize this step-by-step guide to create a space for recovering and redistributing uneaten food items from Child Nutrition Programs. The use of share tables also helps schools in Illinois comply with the Illinois Unused Food Sharing Plan. The Seven Generations Ahead, Zero Waste Schools (ZWS) Program offers many sustainability education resources and toolkits.

Explore lesson plans, resources, and professional learning opportunities; created by teachers, for every subject.

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