• All Communities Deserve Green Buildings

    For 20 years we've been the green building community of Illinois. We educate, advocate, and reduce barriers to high performance buildings across the state.

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Evolving Building Codes: Enhancing Efficiency Through Envelope Commissioning and Energy Modeling

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Energy Efficiency Analysis: Performance Optimization with RETScreen

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News & Updates

By Twyla Neely-Streit January 16, 2025
As the coordinator of Illinois Green Alliance’s school sustainability program, the Illinois Green Schools Project, I spend much of my time considering the intersections between school sustainability, health and wellness, and environmental education. Our program supports schools across Illinois as they design and implement low-barrier, high-impact sustainability initiatives with the goal of reducing resource use while fostering student and community learning. I attended the USGBC Green Schools Conference for the first time last year in Santa Fe with a long list of learning objectives. My program was in a redesign phase, and I was searching for guidance on the connections between student participation and sustainability progress at the institutional level, effective ways to bake EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion) goals into sustainability work, and more than anything, I wanted to connect with folks working on similar projects. By attending the Green Schools Conference, I was able to accomplish all of my predetermined goals and I came away with more insight than I had even expected. I attended sessions focused on student leadership driving school sustainability goals, sustainability and environmental justice efforts at the school, district, and government levels, and how schools are using benchmarking tools to drive sustainability efforts. The sessions were highly-relevant to my goals and interests, and many of them provided new and helpful takeaways that directly impacted the outcomes of our program. The connections I made at the conference were somehow even more helpful and valuable! I was able to connect with another green schools program leader who has since become a professional collaborator and ally. I arrived home with pages of notes and some clear pathways forward. This year, I’m so excited to attend the Green Schools Conference for my second year. As I write this, I’m working to study the conference agenda and chart my course. As I work to guide this year’s Illinois Green Schools Project cohort through our updated program, I’m excited to focus my energy more towards developing outreach and support strategies for diverse audiences and social justice communities, learning how to better connect our schools with data tracking platforms, and how to better communicate the value of sustainability to a variety of school stakeholders. I’m especially excited to attend the session, “Plug into resources and funding to electrify and decarbonize schools” to learn more about connecting Illinois Green’s net zero mission to the schools of Illinois. More than anything, I’m so excited to reconnect with folks I met at last year’s conference, and meet even more sustainability professionals in school education spaces.  If you’re attending this year’s conference, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn to connect!
By Ryan Wilmington January 14, 2025
"I didn't know this was possible"
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Our Initiatives

Green Building Education

The professionals that design, build, and operate buildings are important advocates for net zero, and need a reliable source for the latest trends and technologies. We deliver effective educational programs, convening diverse professional stakeholders.

Existing Buildings Programs

We believe that all communities deserve healthy, high performing buildings. Through our Building Energy Resource Hub and Illinois Green Schools Project initiatives, we provide the support to show all building types can be on the path to net zero.

Green Building Policy

We must remove barriers by providing information about the technical and policy roadblocks to net zero adoption. We amplify green building professional voices that impact green building policy and support the passage of major climate laws.


To combat climate change in Illinois, it's time we made net zero buildings feasible, affordable, and so commonplace that every building in Illinois by 2050 is net zero. Mainstreaming the technology and building methods, whether new or existing, will not be easy but no one is better positioned to make it happen than green building professionals.


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